COLLOQUIUM | CFP | Unrevised Program

An Interdisciplinary Graduate-Student Colloquium at the University of Toronto

Massey College, Upper Library, February 12, 2011
Presented by the Collaborative Program in Book History & Print Culture
& the Departments of Political Science & Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations

9:00-10:30, Session 1: COLONIAL IMAGINATION

“Over Damien’s Dead Body: Photograph of a Dying Leper”
   Carla Manfredi (English, Queen’s U)
“Lotte Reiniger’s ‘Silhu-ation’ of Fairy Tales in A Thousand and One Nights”
   Mansoor Behnam (Cultural Studies, Queen’s U)
"Drawing Palestine from London, 1634-1917: An Online Exhibit"
   Jessica Duffin Wolfe (English, Book History & Print Culture, U of Toronto)

11:00-12:30, Session 2: ADAPTATION AS ILLUSTRATION

“Scholastic’s Great Idea: (Re)Producing Popular Children’s Novels in Graphic Form”
   A.L. Day (English, University of Toronto)
“Illustration as Vengeance: Mikhail Vrubel’s Anna Karenina’s Reunion with her Son”
   T.R. Ormond (Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto)
“Poetry in Motion: Understanding a Fourteenth-Century Comic Book Adaptation of Alan of Lille’s Anticlaudianus”
   Morris Tichenor (Medieval Studies, University of Toronto)

1:45-3:15, Session 3: HAPTIC SITES

“The Manuscript in the Flesh: Towards a Corporeal Understanding of the Luttrell Psalter”
   Robyn Rossmeisl (Art History, University of British Columbia)
“I Think: Illustrating Memory”
   Matt Schneider (English, University of Toronto)
“Mapping the Revolution Graphically: The Illustrated Texts of the Situationist International”
   Jessica Elaine Reilly (Theory and Criticism, University of Western Ontario)

3:30-5:00, Keynote Address

“Fear, Censorship, and Self-Censorship: Lessons from the Danish Cartoon Episode”
   Jytte Klausen (Brandeis University)

Professor Jytte Klausen is the Lawrence A. Wien Professor of International Cooperation at Brandeis University and an Affiliate at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University. She is the author of War and Welfare: Europe and the United States, 1945 to the Present (Palgrave, 2001) and The Islamic Challenge: Politics and Religion in Western Europe (OUP, 2005). In 2007 Professor Klausen received the Carnegie Scholars Award for her work on Muslims in Europe. Her most recent book, The Cartoons That Shook the World (Yale UP, 2009), considers the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad and the worldwide protests that followed their publication in 2005. When Yale University Press reneged on its commitment to publish the illustrations of this book shortly before sending it to print, the work itself became a source of controversy concerning free speech, the politics of illustration, and censorship.
© 2011 Jessica Duffin Wolfe